

Meet the newest of my nieces, Molly.

I don't think she has a middle name yet. Her daddy suggests "Ed's a nice name...."

And her uncle, my husband, continually insists that "Molly James" has a certain ring to it.

And of course, little Molly will need to be aware that if she had been born into a more traditional family she may well have gotten stuck with her grandmother and great-grandmother's names. No disaster, you might think. Oh yeah? How would you like to be called Verna Gertrude?

Personally, I think if you are going to name your child something out of a fifties rock tune, you may as well go whole hog and call her Molly-Sue. Which, if you ask me, is pretty darn cute. And also, it includes the name of another aunt, Ed's sister Susan.

(And she is, isn't she? Pretty darn cute, I mean.)

***** Congrats to Ed and Amy *****

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